Welcome to my website. Tourism is a hugely interesting subject. I have had the good fortune to teach tourism and related subjects for many years. For purposes of teaching and research, over the years I read thousands of publications about tourism. In each reading I always learn something new.
I wrote several academic papers as well as books. In my writings, I try to adopt a style that is easy to read whilst retaining the academic rigour that is expected in academia. With this website, I share with you my writings as well as my enthusiasm for the subject.
By developing this website, I hope to make my various publications more easily accessible to students and academics of European universities, particularly those with an interest in tourism, urban heritage, cities or related subjects.
The publications are also useful to tourism professionals and policy makers as they lead to a better understanding of this fascinating topic.
Thank you for accessing my website. I invite you to read on.
~Dr. John Ebejer

Tourism & Place
Understanding the Visitor Experience
This book debates the tourism experience and reflects on what makes for a memorable experience.

Tourism in European Cities
The Visitor Experience of Architecture, Urban Spaces and City Attractions
This book explores the relationship between the tourist activity and the built environment of cities.

Journal article:
Urban heritage and cultural tourism development: a case study of Valletta’s role in Malta’s tourism.
This article evaluates Malta’s potential for cultural tourism with a focus on Valletta.
This paper evaluates Malta’s potential for cultural tourism with a focus on Valletta. Valletta’s rich urban heritage and historic narrative makes it ideal for the development of a culture-oriented tourism. For many decades, culture and heritage retained a secondary role as beach holidays remained a priority for Malta’s tourism. Public and private investment brought about changes in Valletta that made it more amenable to cultural activity. For destinations with an established form of tourism, this Valletta case study shows the development of cultural tourism meets with difficulties, in spite the presence of a rich urban heritage.
Journal article:
The tourist experience of heritage urban spaces: Valletta as a case study.
This article provides an understanding of how tourists experience heritage urban spaces.
This article provides an understanding of how tourists experience heritage urban spaces by investigating features that influence tourist experiences most. It is framed within urban design literature which refers to three elements of urban space namely physical setting (or form), activity, and meaning. These elements are used to explore how urban spaces are experienced by tourists. Its findings are derived from an in-depth qualitative analysis of interviews with tourists to Valletta, Malta. The research suggests that the intrinsic qualities of the space are relevant to the tourist experience but what is even more relevant are the interactions of the tourist with different elements within that space, namely interactions with surroundings, interactions with others, and interactions with self/meaning.

Overtourism in Valletta—Reality or Myth? (2020)
In Book:
Overtourism: Causes, Implications, Solutions. by: Séraphin, H., Gladkikh, T.; Vo Thanh, T. (eds)

The role of urban heritage in Malta’s tourism: issues and initiatives (2020)
In Book:
Tourism and the Maltese Islands Observations, reflections and proposals. by: G. Cassar & M. Avellino (eds.)

Local life at an urban destination and its relevance to tourism
In Book:
Recent Advancements in Tourism Business, Technology and Social Sciences. by: Katsoni, V. (eds)

The Benefits of Tourism and Travel to the Tourist’s Well-Being: A Conceptual Discussion (2023)
In Book:
Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality in a Smart and Sustainable World. by: Katsoni, V.
About the Author...
Dr. John Ebejer is an academic at the University of Malta. He teaches tourism management and related subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He authored several books, articles and other publications mostly on the subjects of tourism and historic areas. He has developed good relations with academics of various universities and was frequently invited to deliver lectures overseas. Before dedicating himself full-time to academia, he worked professionally for many years as an architect, urban planner and tourism consultant. Dr. Ebejer holds a first degree in architecture and civil engineering from the University of Malta, a Masters degree in urban planning from the University of Sheffield and a Doctorate in tourism studies from the University of Westminster.
Before becoming a full time academic, Dr. John Ebejer worked professionally for many years.
He was involved in the writing of numerous planning documents including the Tourism Master Plan (1990), the Structure Plan for the Maltese Islands (1992), various local plans, action plans and development briefs.
From 2000 to 2011, he was consultant to public sector agencies on public projects and on tourism product development. He identified project proposals and coordinated the implementation of numerous projects, the more important being:
● Beach replenishment project at St. George's Bay link
● Countryside walks for Malta and Gozo
● National Aquarium at Qawra
● Pembroke Gardens link
● Adaptive reuse of Fort St. Elmo link.
For the Qawra, Pembroke and Fort St.Elmo projects, he prepared the applications for ERDF funding. These were successful thus securing the funds for them. In addition , he was involved in the concept stage where initial ideas were developed and translated into viable projects.
Acting as consultant to the relevant ministry, he drafted several pieces of legislation in the sectors of urban planning, environment, building regulations and professional warranting.
He was Chairman and CEO of the Building Industry Consultative Council (2008 -10).

Contact Me
Email: john.ebejer@um.edu.mt